This tale was written by Rudyard Kipling for his
beloved daughter, Josephine, died from a disease at the age of eight. It
is an extract from one of his most famous collections of stories, Just
so stories, inspired by his natural empathy with the animal world.
is born in Bombay in 1865. After having studied in England, he became a
journalist and a writer. The author of the Jungle Book is not only
a poet of the British Empire but also a curious spirit with a childish
view on the things of the world. In 1907, he became the first English writer
to be awarded the Nobel Prize. He died in 1936 and is buried in Westminster
This site has been designed
just after Christmas 2001 by Jean-Christophe
Loubet del Bayle. He shares with the Elephant�s child an
�satiable curtiosity. However, wiser than this latter, he has
still his original nose. |
cupidus |
Just so stories (Histoires comme ça
in French) has been published several times. Please find hereby some book